Youth BJJ Curriculum Ideas From Lance! Thanks Lance!
Little Lions 60 min class outline
0-10 min – Warm up
- High Knees
- Butt Kicks
- Inside Shuffle
- Outside Shuffle
- Inside Arm Circles (forwards/backwards)
- Outside Arm Circles (forwards/backwards)
Animal Warm ups
- Frog Jumps
- Army Crawls
- Gorilla Runs
- Bear Crawls
- Duck Walks
- Shrimp Scoots
- Kangaroo Hops
- 1 Leg Hops
- Crab Walks
- Forward Rolls
- Backward Rolls
- Super Mario Jumps
Water Break
(10-15 min) Stretch/Mat Chat
- Sitting Toe Touch (5 sec each leg)
- Butterfly Stretch (5 sec)
- Hip Stretch (5 sec each leg)
- Legs Wide Reach to the middle (5 sec)
Talk anything character development (connect with them)
- Honesty
- Politeness
- Compassion
- Integrity
- Bravery
- Honor
- Integrity
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Discipline etc..
(15-18 min) Simon Says/Focusing game
(18-30 min) Coordination/Movement development Jiu Jitsu Game (Choose from game list or come up with your own)
(30 – 37 min) Stand up Lesson (Choose 1-2 from technique list)
(37 – 44 min) Ground lesson (Choose 1-2 from Technique list)
(44-50 min) Focused Rolling Jiu Jitsu Game (Choose from game list or come up with your own)
(50- 55 min) line up/Fix Belts and pants/Stripes
(55-60 min) Dodgeball
Coordination/Movement/Focus Development Jiu Jitsu Games
- King of the Ring
- Bears vs Crabs (Also Sharks and Minnows. Crab is the shark and Bears are the minnows. Crabs have to crabwalk and bears have to bear crawl)
- Butt Scoot Relay Race
- Tail Tag (First one to pull the tail wins)
- Hug the Back (First one to get to the back and establish control from standing wins)
- Cone Heads
- Cone Snatch (Put cone between 2 students, close eyes, and call out different things when you say cone, they race to snatch the cone)
- 4 Corner Base
- Spin on the Turtle
- Sprawl on the Ball
- Steering Wheel (Use Collar and Sleeve to turn opponent like a car, bonus if you can block a wheel and crash the car)
- Toe Tag (touch the other persons foot)
- The Rocket (Establish control and send them off in a rocket. For example, front clinch or rear clinch with double unders then lift them up, reset)
Focused Rolling Jiu Jitsu Games
- The Thief and the Crown (Open Guard game, top player is the thief and bottom player is the king with a crown on his head. The thief must steal the king’s crown by touching his head. King must use his “guards” hands and feet to stop the thief.)
- Mount Surfing (Mount Control game, bottom player is a wave top player is a surfer. Surfer starts with hands wide and hooks in while the wave is trying to “crush him” or get him off the mount)
- Takedown Game (First one to take his opponent down to a hip wins)
- Roll the Boulder (Trap and roll game, person on top is the boulder and they have pinned you down. You must roll the boulder off)
- Catch the Balloon (Closed guard game, top person’s head is a balloon and you have to keep the balloon down while its trying to escape to float away. Top player is the balloon and must free himself to posture up or “float away” and pin bottom players hips)
Little Lions Technique List
- Push Base
- Pull Base
- Tackle the Giant
- Duck and Shoot
- Clap and Shoot
- Single leg
- Run the Pipe (simple set ups)
- Arm Drag
- Rear Takedown (Heel tap variation)
Mount (Top)
- Spider Kid
- Spider Swim
- Sticky Hands
- Bulldozer
- Standard
- Crazy
Mount (Bottom)
- Snake Bite
- Snake Squeeze
- Shark Bite
- Quick Hug
Side Mount
- Crocodile Control
- Roll Prevention
- Sneaky Mount
Back Control
- Crazy Horse
- Backpack control
- Crazy control
Guard (Bottom)
- Guard Monster
- Head hug
- Guard swim
- Sweep the Giant (Double Ankle Sweep)
- Hook Sweep (Tripod Sweep)
Guard (Top)
- Crazy Legs
- Throw and Pass