January 2021 New Schedule
Here’s the 2021 First Quarter Schedule
Friday Future Champions No-Gi for Elite/Ultimate Program Students….Let’s mix this together like we do the Comp Class on Saturday. I’m aware that there will be Advanced Teens with 7 year olds just ready for this program level. Let’s Divide and Conquer and bring them all together to train at the end. I’ll have 2 instructors for that single class.
Friday No Gi Submissions Class is gone-I really liked the class, but it was attended by All Staff/Instructors and 2 paying students a class.I want JJ 6 days a week, I expect to bring this back.
Friday Muay Thai has gone back to 6:30pm where it used to be and an hour long again. If any of our Instructors want to do mma or jj after, hey, go ham.
Saturday Jiu-Jitsu for Self Defense/Combatives. I have titled this Combatives/Self Defense JJ and added that Combatives color. This will help with jabronis that are coming in on Saturday for their “intro” class. This class is available to all students who are interested, but now the color on the schedule will help our new ppl understand they can’t come here for their first class, fucking up the flow of the class.
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