Week of 1/25-1/30: Finishing up the Month
Hey guys, I’m really thrilled with how classes have been going lately and everyones energy levels no matter the program/class being taught. Jesse has been getting leads in the door and I know Moon aka “the covid kid” Â is about to open the flood gates as well. Tim Blue is back in action all week after thinking he had covid, but he just had to poop. We have a competition 1/30 on Saturday. I will be going along with anyone else to cartersville to support our competitors. Lets make sure there’s lots of positional sparring this week to get the kids what they need. I’ve included our competitors list. Once again what’s missing is participation from our Killers class. Let’s ask them what’s going on as far as participation. If they don’t know they don’t know, if it’s parents are afraid of rona, say less, end it there. But I’d like to get an idea on what’s up. They’re participation is certain to bring victories for us, bringing hardware, bringing my ability to highlight that to our students, bringing us more retention, and competition goals from the younger age groups. We have a great program with those kids, and not so much participation, but I got a feeling they like to compete.
Adults: Kay, Scott Barton, Kaleb
Kids: Morgan, Mikayla, Christian, Josiah, Jace
Curriculum: Knee on Belly to Finishes
Can warm up or Re Review the stuff we’ve done all month with the other age groups , making them make sequences if capable .Beginners should focus on arm bar, X choke, short choke to the back, these examples that are in the curriculum of moves I posted here recently for white to gray.
Also Saturday we are going to try this for the first time: a Monthly review for BJJ 11-12 and then 12-1 open mat.
Here are the sequences to be performed:
Fundamentals Attendees
1)Blast Double (other person break falls), Hip bump(they post), to guillotine
2) Failed Blast double>Sprawl> one of 3 front head lock guillotines a. just neck b. arm in c. arm across
3)Blast Double>Open guard by standing technique>Bull Fighter pass to Knee on Belly>Single leg escape>Sprawl to guillotine
4)Same as above , but a Submission from Knee on Belly
5) Different Sub
1)Ouchigari>Open Guard by Standing technique>Shoot through knee cut from their shitty knee shield with no grips
2)Ouchigari>Open Guard by Standing Technique>Bull Fighter Pass> Back take or Truck Options
3)Above to Maverick Position Options Triangle/Arm Bar
4)Above to Far side Chair Sit
5)Ouchigari > Arm Trap guard opener >Pass> They Bridge >Arm Triangle and cranks
6)Above >Hammer Lock>Twister Back take with Police Lock>Rear Naked Choke
7) Series Shane Taught us Above opener to N/S Choke
Advanced kids, they can move forward and we can go over more in depth what I did Thursday:
When the person turns away: 1. Near Side arm bar 2. float to the back
When they sit still: 1. X choke move to the mount 2. baseball bat choke moving to N/S
this week by Thursday ill get to  when they turn in 1. far side arm bar 2. Brabo choke