Week of October 14-October 19th: Good Luck Fighters
We have guys kickboxing this weekend in Chattanooga area in TN. Good luck to our Kickboxers and Thai Fighters. Tim Competed this past weekend and lost out on points. We will review, he’s been on point on the mats lately, so it’ll definitely be worth stripping down what happened. It was great to see Lance this week, I believe he will pop in for open mat on Saturday as well. This week we will have WRPD 12-4pm Wednesday and NEXT week, same times T & W. If anyone would like to come in and help, just come on. Additionally I will be in Dublin 10-2pm working with LCSO T and TH morning this week finishing out my work with them for the year, they have made huge strides and its all due to humility and attitude.
NEXT WEEEEEK we wil have the addition of another youth Muay Thai class for Moon to lead. It will be exciting watching Tim and him mold the next gen. Also the Tuesday night muay thai class will be moved to Friday at 6PM NEXXXT week. I believe that is all of the schedule additions and changes for now.
Curriculum. X choke vs Trap Bridge and roll from the mount
Adults: More demolishing from mount.