Week of 2/27-3/3: Mount Escape Closeout
Love- Tell the kids how much you love Jiu Jitsu and how it’s affected you in your life. feel free to be as long winded as you need. Ask who all drew the photos for their homework assignments? Tell those that didn’t to finish up this week.
Solid Turnout on Saturdays sparring class! Open mat was a little less than normal. 12 or so.
BJJ Beginner
Youth– After the escape and going into the immediate attack for passing. Find a way to get to some submission & Defense to that submission.
If you can’t recall the exact escape sequence. just begin in mount and do an arm bar for instance and then teach the defense for the bottom player.
Adults: After doing the Escape and working to deep half. Have the top player counter deep half and begin pass to attack sequencing.
Circle Up:
Joint Articulation- Individual joints
Mobility- plyometric style exercises
Circuit- 2×3 min rounds total with 30 seconds per exercise. Upper body, lower body, core. one round off. then another with different Upper, lower, core.
Gloves on- 35 minutes left in class
20 minutes of drilling (5-6 x3 minute rounds) Upper body combos *Punches and elbows
Lower body Kicks offense and/or Defense ( for example, one inside kick one outside kick)
Finish with combining punches and kicks simple or not. like
1, low kick, reset, 1,2.
*always Muay Thai Marching
Joint Articulation
“circuit”- games, ladder drills, obstacle course, etc. let the kids be kids
Upper body focus- Seated criss cross or kneeling- Upper body strikes to help with details like rotation and snapping on punches
Lower Body kick/ knee Focus specific
Repetition Training/Technical for Punches – This is lining them up like Karate and having them do simple upper body combos or build. 10-20 reps. this is where they can hold a jab and you have them hold the finishing position to check their posture between resets. then a cross for instance. then a jab cross then a double jab cross. have fun with it.
Combination training: combo drill in front of one another taking turns 1&1 or 3&3. if the kids are not ready to receive a kick yet. don’t have them. have the other kid spin through on their kick instead of impacting the other child. *****always muay thai marching
also good to finish with bag training.