Week of 11/11-11/16: Veterans Day
Happy Veterans to our guys and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE Andrew & Tyler You guys rock.
Passing Half Guard
Adults (deep)
I have surgery this week and will be out Thursday likely. Certainly Thursday morning. I appreciate you guys and y’alls help, I’ll be around as much as possible yelling at ppl from a standing position as soon as possible, and hanging around the desk in the recovery process.
Upcoming Events:
11/23- Training on taking lead calls & Sales
12/6&7- Testing and End of the year Promotions BE THERE!!!!
12/13- Video Game night Instructor appreciation night at the Macon Mayhem Hockey game, Free for our instructors, please be there guys!
Jesse also has the youth promotion night. we should have some of these listed on the board when you walk in the academy soon as well.